LG 32 inch 32LK500 Led Digital TV DVB-T2 USB Movie HD TV 32LK500BPTA Harga Rp. 2.199.000

June 03, 2019

#inch #32LK500 #Digital #DVB-T2 #Movie #32LK500BPTA LG 32 inch 32LK500 Led Digital TV DVB-T2 USB Movie HD TV 32LK500BPTA 321gold, 321 area code, 32auctions, 323 area code, 321 movies, 32 degrees, 325 area code, 320 area code, 32 inch tv, 32 weeks pregnant, 32 degrees clothing, 32 movies

*Barang Baru & Original 100%
*Garansi Termasuk Spare Part & Service 1 tahun
*Kami Juga Memliki Toko Off Line Di Daerah Harco Mangga Dua
*Pilihan pengiriman memakai GO-SEND
*Estimasi Pengiriman Max 1 Hari Setelah Transaksi

Fitur :
- 32 Inch
- HD Ready (1366x768)
- Hard Panel (IPS)
- Digital TV (DVB-T2)
- USB Movie
- 1x USB
- 2x HDMI

Harga : Rp. 2.199.000

Cek Diskon

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