Vixion led tv 19 inch 1977 Harga Rp. 799.000

September 03, 2019

#Vixion #inch #1977 Vixion led tv 19 inch 1977 led, led zeppelin, led lights, led lighting, lederhosen, ledger, led zeppelin songs, led bulbs, led tv, led light bulbs, led headlights, led flashlight

Function: TV, Monitor, Multimedia
Layar 19 Inch
Image Resolution 1366x768
USB Port compatible with movie, MP3, MP4 and JPG Photo
VGA input (1)
HDMI Input (1)
AV Input (2)
PC Input
Response Time 6.5ms
Power 110-220 V 50/60Hz


Harga : Rp. 799.000

Cek Promo

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